
To the Doctor Yet Again!

Can't ya tell that I've had enough. He at least gave me some ideas to try on different people. It still doesn't help the fact that I hate it at work. Oh to be at home with my nose in the computer. Is there a job out there where you don't have to deal with the people? I wish. At least according to Dan everybody's been asking about me. That's a nice feeling to know that I'm actually liked. We discussed the mishap with the blog. I in no way have any regrets or bad feelings. It's like I told him, my intentions weren't to insult and I didn't. Nor did I bad mouth anyone in anyway. I just simply vented my feelings is all. It's not my fault that someone misconstrues what I wrote. Want to know a little secret. That's exactly why I don't like dealing with people. Can't control them whatsoever. You say one thing and they take it to mean something else. Yep, that's the story of my life. Being totally misunderstood. Oh yippeee! I get to go back to work tomorrow. Like, I'm so excited. Not!!! I am so miserable at that place it's not even funny. C'est la vie, must have that green stuff in order to give it to everyone else.

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