
Bloggin' Buddies

Bloggin' Buddies

If you will notice (up at the top if you are reading from my MSN Space or off to the side if you are reading from Blogger) a new button called Bloggin' Buddies. If you click on the button, it will take you to a newly created MSN group for ladies who blog. I've met some very lovely people these past few months and I thought that if you would like to join me over at MSN groups, we could continue to chat, post photos (even ones that you wouldn't normally post on your space/blog, help each other with template designs, banners, and other cool things. If you would like to join, either click the banner or the link (under my "come right on in and..." module for MSN Space or off to the side at Blogger) and send me your application. Please take a few moments to answer the questions to join. Who knows you might meet some more interesting bloggers.


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When a Stranger Calls

When a Stranger CallsAlthough this movie isn't too bad, it is not what the previews hyped it to be. It started out fast, but then slowed to a lull. The constant calls were beginning to get boring until the action picked up again at the end. I am satisfied that I got to see it, but I don't feel like it's one that I will be adding to my movie library.

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The Dukes of Hazzard

The Dukes of Hazzard (Unrated Widescreen Edition)In all honesty, I had my reservations about his movie by it being a remake of the TV show, but middleways of the movie I was laughing and cheering, "go boys, go!" For me the winner here is Willie Nelson as Uncle Jessie. I'm still undecided as to if I will be adding this one to my movie library or not.

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For the Love of Books

Of all the many things that I am passionate about, books are at the top of that list. I have been heard to say many times, "give me a bed, a refrigerator and leave me in Books-A-Million, and I will be in Heaven." I don't believe that I could ever have too many books. The shelves on my bookcases are overflowing with them and it is nearly impossible for me to leave Wal-Mart without having some form of print in purchases be it a computer, artist, gaming magazine or a CSI, Star Wars novel, or self help book. Just what subjects do my collections contain? Star Wars (too many titles to mention, pick one and I probably have it), the Little House series, the Caroline years, the Rose years, Resident Evil series, ghost stories, Harry Potter series, books on poetry, photography, web designing, writing, multimedia, computers, and many, many more. Have I actually read all of them? Uh, no, but it's safe to say that I should be fully entertained when those retirement years start appearing on the horizon. To say that I have an addiction to books, is quite an understatement, but it's a love for the written word that keeps me hooked.

This entry was written for the Blogging Chicks Carnival theme: Favorite Things. How about leaving a note and telling me what your favorite thing is?


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I Have Come to the Realization...

that I have been going about my writing the wrong way. "What do you mean?" you ask. Well, while reading The Everything Creative Writing Book the other night, the first chapter really struck a chord with me. One topic in particular was "Tools of the Trade" where the author, Carol Whiteley, talks about "Reference Materials and Writing Medium". This one is what got me to thinking. Carol talks about how "in this day and age, you have three writing options available to you: a computer, a typewriter, or paper and pen." There have been many times that I have sat at my computer table staring at the monitor with brain lock thinking, "what do I write?" As with many other things in my life, my writing has gotten lost in the shuffle. Although I love technology and my computer, using the keyboard to do my writing just isn't my thing. Yes, I know. This is something I should have realized earlier but better late than never, right?

My writing began at the young age of 6 or 7. Way before I knew how to spell, way before I learned the rules of grammar, and way , way, way before the age of computers and technology. We're talking about late 70's here. i would sit with notebook paper before me and a pencil clumsily held in my hand just scribbling away. It was at this age that my first poem was born. I wrote it as a gift for mom, and she still has it to this day. Maybe one of these days I will be brave enough to post it for you to read.

As I grew older, so did my desire to write. Even if it was just to copy teen magazine articles to paper, I had to be writing. There were many short stories that were began but never concluded. My uncle somehow managed to find one that I had been writing about a haunted house. He was disappointed to hear that there were no more pages to follow the story.

My poetry writing blossomed during my teenage years. It was nothing to be sitting on the front porch with a notebook in my lap and spilling out a poem from my pencil in about 5 minutes time. I wrote many passages of teenage crushes, my dad, and anything else that inspired my creativity within to come forth. After my first marriage, my writing was silenced by the day to day living. I never worked at trying to keep it going. I'm not exactly sure why. All I know is that I shoved it into a dark corner of my mind where it lay dormant until this newfangled age of technology exploded onto the scene.

Welcome to the weblog. I had dabbled in blogger and MSN Spaces in their early beginnings but deleted those places. I have hopped and skipped in other platforms such as tripod and iuplog and back to blogger, then deleted all of it, and have rested at MSN Spaces and blogger yet again. I've never understood this quirkiness about not being completely satisfied with something and having to need things completely new. I have learned over the years to not question it anymore. Hopefully I can keep this quirk in check and keep the one I have. With the coming of Windows Live Spaces that should satisfy my need for "newness" for awhile with new stuff to play with.

I'm guessing that I was blinded with technology and got stuck in the frame of mind that in order for me to be able to write I had to use the computer which is so not true. I began with paper and pencil in hand, and it is this way that I shall continue to write. The only difference now is my hand and fingers wanting to cramp, but that's nothing that a simple break won't cure.

If you have managed to read this far, then it is here that I must thank you for allowing me to have a moment of your time and share my thoughts with you.


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Christmas In July?!

In a previous entry, I had wrote about an online education program that I was enrolled in. My certificate program that I had chosen was web design. Since buying our computer and going online I have become curious as to how websites are created. While being off from work due to my foot pain, I saw this as a perfect opportunity to dive back in to my studies that I have been neglecting for awhile. I have now worked myself up to module 5 where I have just received my shipment of study materials. (Update: Module 6 was just sent yesterday, there are only 8 modules in the program) What was inside besides the usual textbooks and lesson outline? Dreamweaver 8! Talk about excited. I installed the software earlier and gave up the computer to CR to play some games while I am off in my bedroom to write and explore my new textbooks. My goal is to be able to create templates for blogs. I know the web is already swarming with blog template designers, so as I go along learning how to use Dreamweaver, I'm hoping to come up with a new and creative niche. I'm seriously thinking about asking a few people if I may borrow some of their photos after I become more familiar with the software. I can't wait to explore.


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It Looks to Me Like Relief...

may be on the horizon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

My morning began by Wyrm and I leaving out a little before 10:00 am. We arrived at Trover Clinic, registered, and found the doctor's office with little problem. The Dr. seemed nice and explained the mechanics of what was wrong with my foot and why I was having chronic pain. This I understood completely due to other doctors' explanations and the online research that I had done. He also explained the cortisone shot that I could take and the inserts that I should be using and how the combination of these two things should bring me relief. OK, been there, done that, but here's what was being done wrong all of these years. Yes, I've followed other doctors' advice and bought the inserts only I bought them from places like Wal-Mart and athletic shoe stores. They were not what I was needing. I was needing a much harder insert to support my arch and keep it from falling. The ones I were buying were actually not sturdy enough. That was the first thing I received correction on. The second thing was the cortisone shot. I have received two shots in my hip for relief during the duration of my problem. I would get relief, but it wouldn't last for long. The doctor's insight as to why the relief wouldn't last was it was the wrong location for the shot. Where is the shot supposed to go then? In my foot. SAY WHAT?!?! Now there are some parts of the body that a needle should never be poked into and the foot is one of them. He gave me some time to mull it over. Let's see, pain in foot compared to pain of needle being poked into a "no-no" area. (Yes, I actually had to think about this and weigh the pros and cons) Well, the pain in my foot won the debate and I succumbed to having a needle go where it shouldn't be going.(in my foot, I must stress this fact) I relinquished my appendage to the good ol' doc as I wrapped my arms around Wyrm and buried my face into his side. OK, 1, 2, 3, "oh, Heaven help me! This was only supposed to last a second but stretched into 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds. OK, I am feeling relief now and the regret of having this "barbaric" procedure done is s-l-o-w-l-y fading away. To ensure healing, the doc. has extended my time off for the rest of this week. I will return to work on Monday. I will see after that night if all of this is really going to work.

After the "rude awakening" (shot in foot) at the doc's office, Wyrm and I head to Arby's for lunch and then to Wal-Mart to pick up a few odds and ends. I was amazed and ecstatic while be-bopping around the store and managing to walk heel-to-toe without any pain. Something I have not been able to do in years.

After Wal-Mart, we then head all the way to CR's school to pick up his class schedule for his sophomore year. This year he will be taking World Civilization, Algebra II part A, Arts and Humanities, and English 10 for first semester. For his second semester, he will be taking Political Science, Algebra II part B, Integrated Science, and Word Processing. He seems to be satisfied with it. School for our county starts on August 3rd. Each year they start school sooner and sooner. I'm hoping he does as well this year as he did last year.

That was my day in a nutshell. I think the highlight was seeing an x-ray of both my feet and being shown the beginnings of two spurs in each foot and the beginnings of arthritis in my left foot. Another joy was being told that I need to lose weight (yes, I'm fat, tell me something I don't know, like how to get rid of the addiction of junk food) and that I may be one of those people who needs a sit down job. (oh how one can dream) LOL


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Pre-appointment Butterflies

Tomorrow is my appointment with the podiatrist and even though I am anxious to be rid of this pain, I am also nervous about what will take place tomorrow. What will happen, what will he do, what floor is he on, will he write me off from work, will he allow me to return. These are questions that are churning in my mind right now. I'm not so much worried about going back to work as i am worried about going back to work and the pain returning that instant. I know that I wouldn't be able to handle that. Especially since I have minimized the pain to twinges. I will admit that I am probably overreacting, but that is something that I'm prone to doing anyway. Tonight it is early to bed for me to be able to rise early. My appointment is at 10:45 am.


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How's Your Weekend?

Today is just gorgeous outside. You couldn't ask for more wonderful weather. The temperature is perfect outside along with a nice breeze.Mom and I enjoyed a nice leisurely walk up to the cafe and ordered burgers, chicken, and barbecue for our supper. Other than that it's just been a quiet relaxing day.

Yesterday started out pretty much the same way, except for when Took come home from work. I was taking a nap and in that groggy stage so I couldn't get awake enough to understand what was going on. Later my mom woke to tell me something that she just couldn't wait until I got up. For those that read regularly, you may remember that my sis was living here due to some marital problems. Well it had gotten down to her finding a divorce lawyer and found an apartment close to where she worked. Well, last night she received a call from her husband (they had still been seeing each other this whole time, but yet wasn't living together?!?! I know, don't ask.) Anyway, he had spent the night in jail over a DUI and called to tell Took to come back. And guess what? She went. I noticed that she didn't wake me to tell me bye. Guess she was afraid of what I would say. I don't hate my sis, but I'm extremely disappointed. Actually I'm disappointed in them both. Her going back to him isn't going to help him get over whatever it is that's going on in his head. That is something that he is going to have to buckle down, admit that he has a problem, and seek help/treatment. What I am afraid of is that he's going to drag my sister down with him. Well, it is her life. This is something that will have to hit her when she's had enough. All I can do is pray and be here for her when she needs me.

It's getting close to my Dr.'s appt. for my foot pain. In a way I'm excited and hoping that he will be able to rid me of this excruciating pain for good, but I'm also afraid of what I will have to go through in order to get rid of the pain. I've went for so long just putting up with it that there's a good chance that I have really done some damage in there and no telling what shape it is in. Tuesday maybe my last day home from work or he may decide to keep me off for a little longer. I'll have to wait and see.

I haven't started painting yet. I don't really know what I would like to do and I've got that negative thing going on again saying it won't be as good as all the others I've seen. Anyone know of a way that I can shut that negativity off? And no it's not that easy. If it were, I would already be painting, have learned to drive, found a better job, you get the picture.

I hope that your weekend was enjoyable and that you had great weather to be out in.


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A Wet One

Today began as all the other days began, hot and sultry, but by mid afternoon, the storm clouds rolled in with the winds and rain. Now it's just a pleasant coolness outside in a gray wet world. I love it when it rains as long as it's not one of those torrential horrendous storms that spawn tornadoes with booming thunder that will rattle your windows and cracking lightening loud enough to deafen your ears. Just this nice little rainfall that we had a little earlier. So far we have been very luck this summer (knocking on wood) and not had any storms that have been extensively damaging.

It has been noted that schools in our area will start August 3. Could they get an earlier? (actually don't answer that question, I don't want it to.) Keep it up and my guess is that next year they will start back in July. What has happened to summer vacation where it started the middle of May and ended the middle of August. I dread him going back. He's growing so much and getting older. He's a teen so usually he wants to do his own thing, but there are times where he still doesn't mind to "hang" with his mom. Soon I will be going back to work and it will revert back to the same ol' routine of me being gone during the day and when I come home, he will be asleep. The only time I will get to see him will be on the weekends. I will miss out on school events and such. I'm hoping that he will enjoy his classes this year as much as he enjoyed them last year, and he won't have too much trouble with his math work. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one.

As much as I would like to sit here and type away while occasionally glancing out the front door, I need to pull myself away and find me something to much on.


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Say, "Hello and Welcome to the World" to...

Congratulations to Amber from, Crazy Bloggin' Canuck for giving birth to, Bode James! Bode was brought into the world on July 18th at 12:33 pm. and weighing 8lbs and 6 oz. Hop over to Amber's, to find out how she, the new bundle of joy, hubby, and Hurricane Hadley are doing.


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Doggidy Dog Days of Summer

I have no clue how high the temp got today, and I don't want to know. Man is it already hot, and we haven't even had the hottest days yet. Our power went out twice. People overloading the transformers with air conditioners, fans, and such just trying to keep cool.

It's been 4 days home from work and I figured I would be posting more that what I actually am. I honestly do not lead an interesting life. I will give you more details on my new MSN Space, Blogged!, that I created. I have a need to write and here lately it feels like if I don't do something that I will just explode. As I stated before, I like writing about other things and people instead of myself and I love blogging. So this idea has been dancing around in my head for a few days now, but I just wasn't sure how to express it. I had thought of creating my own publication and so forth but not liking what I was coming up with. Hence, the newly created blog. If noone reads it, no money is wasted but I still gained experience and found out new things along the way.

I recently purchased some artist materials at the consistent urgings of my mother, sister, son, and husband. Now I'm being urged that while I'm off I need to start painting, so I may just do that one day this week. I never considered myself any good. That's why I stopped in the first place. Now at the age I am now, it's not so much important how good I am as to how much I enjoy doing it. I need to to do things that I enjoy doing and not worry about other's opinions.

It's getting late and I must read my daily haunts before settling into my room and watching movies.


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Blogged! The blog about blogging and bloggers for bloggers.

What better way to express my love of writing and blogging. I have said before that I believe my life to be absolutely boring and prefer writing about other things. Voila! A new Space is born. With all of the new brainstorming ideas going around, (Blogme, Aunt Tea's Photo Flavors, etc.), I decided to jump on the bandwagon so to speak and create a new space. The only difference is I will be writing about the aformentioned brainstorm ideas, along with interviews of fellow bloggers, and many other things to come. So would you please join me in the "Grand Opening" of my new MSN Space, Blogged!.Also, if you would be so kind as to relay ideas and suggestions of thing you would like to read and see and spread the word (and url) about Blogged!.


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The Blogme Interview Party!


It doesn't officially kick off till Monday, but I'm getting the ball rolling right here on my space/blog. Here's how I will be doing it: More than likely I won't be tagged myself, so I will be answering the questions and posting it here and on Blogher. After that I will be tagging everyone who is on my listing, my neighbors list, and my guests of the week. I would then like for those people to post their answers on their blogs and then comment here and let me know you have them up. I will then be adding your answers along with mine in this entry and creating a huge (hopefully) getting to know bloggers circle that I will be adding to my "come right on in and..." module titled, " introduce yourself for the Blogme Party!". I will be answering some of the initial questions and asking my own. Feel free to add any questions you would like answered and afterwards I invite you to browse around Blogher and hopefully signup and list your blog:

The Blogme Party Interview:

1. When did you start blogging and why? Or Talk about your blog. What can I learn about you in under 5 minutes? Let's see. I've really been blogging off and on since about 2004. I've used MSN Spaces once before and deleted it, blogger once before and deleted it, Yahoo 360 once before and deleted it, MSN Space again, blogger yet again, and also have dabbled in Wordpress, Squarespace, and have a profile up at MySpace and Yahoo 360 again. As to why? I just love to write. If no one actually reads me, it's okay, but for my sanity's sake, I have to post entries like I'm actually "talking" to someone. My blog I consider my "home" away from the hustle and bustle of the world outside. 2. How do you use blogging to build friendships? Never actually thought about this one. I do however feel that my everyday mundane life is way to boring to talk about so I love to find other bloggers, do a "writeup" about them and their blog, and host them as my guest blogger. 3. Who do you read every day, rain or shine? I don't really read everyday, but I do have favorite books that I love to read. Mostly Star Wars novels, the Harry Potter series, and the Little House series. I love reading Laura Ingalls Wilder's books over and over. She just has a beautiful and simple way of telling her story. I also love reading books based on movies and video games. 4. Why did you choose to share that piece of yourself in a photograph? Sorry didn't take a photograph. So can't answer this one. 5. How would you describe your writing style? My writing style is very basic and simple or at least I try for it to be. 6. If you could spend time with one person (other than your spouse, because really, let's not rack up the suck up points here) I'm going to take this to mean a person other than those I already know. It would be (thinking here????) hmm...don't rightly know. Will have to answer this later after thinking about it some more. 7. What don't you write about? Anything considered a no-no in your book? Hmm...I have learned that I have to be very careful on what I write about how I feel on somethings that have to do with my hubby, his side of the family and things like that. I feel like I have to write everything in my life as "hunky dory" and in actuality it's really not. Nothing is really wrong, I just know that marriage is not a fair tale and there are bad times along with the good. I feel sometimes that I'm not allowed to post or talk about the bad times. Although good could come out of it. 8. How do you feel about meeting bloggers in real life? Are you nervous? Will you have great expectations? What do you home to take away from the BlogHer experience? Since I won't be attending Blogher, I will write this as if I were going and what I would like to gain from the experience. I of course would be nervous. So nervous in fact that it would be very tempting to just "tuck tail" and run. I most certainly would be interested in all the "doings". And what I would love to take home would be the accomplishment of tackling some "life smothering fears" that I have like meeting new people, being in crowds, having to get on a plane, etc. 9. So soon we're going to meet each other at BlogHer. Important question. How do you party? In all actuality, I don't. 10. What is your favorite thing that you wrote? What got a strong reaction from readers? Links please? My favorite things I wrote are my poems and love lost? . Entries that got a strong reaction are ...let me introduce myself and A Revelation 11. Have you written anything controversial? Is blogging controversial? I think that I may have, it started with this entry , and then led into some comments and an entry on someone else's blog, which in turn led to this entry . If you read those entries, then you must also read this entry to get a better understanding of how I see the world. Don't get me wrong, I love my hubby dearly. This is just what I meant by question #7. Everything is fine now between all parties. 12. Are you and your blogging persona the same person? I would have to say yes. 13. Have you ever anonymously posted on a site to flame them? No, don't care for flaming 14. If you had a super power, what would it be? Never thought about this.

15. Where do you live? (city or state or just general region) Kentucky

16 If you could travel extensively, where would you like to go? All over the US and tour Europe, China, and Japan.

17.If you are comfortable saying, what do you do for a living? sorry those slave drivers would fire me if they knew my true feelings about them and my place of employment (or maybe it would be a good thing if I did say? hmmm...)

18. What would be a dream job for you? Web designing, becoming a published author

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The Blogme online mixer was a huge success! Out of all the people that I tagged on my listing 3 people responded with their own interviews of themselves:


Kathy(although she just posted the questions, she did say that she would be answering in the next few days)

Dr. Cara

Now go and meet:

Fizzle, MeL, Amber, Denise, Amanda, Mocha, Debra, Susanne, BarnyardMama, Belinda, Lisa, Karl, Sassymonkey,Shash, Dana, Karen, Mary, Cathy, Kathy, Erin, Caffeinated Librarian, Chadie, Ellen, Drums~n~Whistles


For the Next Few Days...

I will be home from work on medical leave. Why? you ask. Yesterday Wyrm decided that he didn't want to go into work. We are both having problems with other people, management, etc. He asks me if I would want to stay home also. I agreed on one condition. That he was to take me to Multicare and see what could possible be done to alleviate this foot pain that I have been putting up with for about 4 years. I have been having chronic heel and ankle pain for some time and have seen numerous doctors and been told two things. Tendonitis and plantar fasciitis. My last doctor visit over this problem she wanted to refer me to a specialist, but I just wouldn't agree. I've always had the mentality that "it would eventually go away". Well, it's not going away and I have had all that I can take from it. I believe it is dragging me down mentally and, I know, physically. I have agreed to see a podiatrist and have been set up with an appt. on the 25th. To get relief, the doctor at Multicare was kind enough to "write me off" till the 25th to rest my foot. She also gave me some mild pain medication and it was enough to get some sleep last night. This problem has gotten so bad that I can ache all the way from my heel into my knee and I'm throwing my hip out of whack trying to accommodate it just to walk. I'm hoping that this specialist can help to get rid of this pain once and for all.


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Discoveries (Finding those little "gems" while blogwalking)

Every once in awhile when I go blog walking I discover new and exciting things (or at least to me) that are worth sharing, and we all know that it is a good thing to share, right?

Blog Me, Baby: Mocha Momma will be attending the Blogher Conference of '06 in San Jose, CA on July 28 and 29. She has become so anxious to meet some of the attendees that she just couldn't wait and come up with an idea of interviewing them which now has turned into a whole interviewing bloggers community thing. It sounds like so much fun that I think I will be joining in on the shebang. Want more details? Then go to Mocha Momma's for more details and also go to Blogher to get more details on how to get it going and a list of the questions.

As I was sitting up one night after work reading my faves on my blogroll, I clicked over to Aunt Tea's to see what she was up to. Aunt Tea has been up to quite a bit. She has started another MSN Space for a photography group. Join Aunt Tea and other's over at Aunt Tea's Photo Flavors where she posts ideas for photo themes and you email her your photos to be included in that theme's album. Click on over to Aunt Tea's Photo Flavors for more info.

MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger have the beginnings of a new friendship. I found out this little tidbit over at MSN Space of the Day. You can now add Yahoo contacts to your MSN Messenger as long as your Yahoo buddy has the new Yahoo Messenger with Voice downloaded. Nifty.

Amber over at Crazy Bloggin' Canuck has just recently moved her space over to blogger and is enjoying her new digs. There's also another little surprise. Amber hasn't posted an entry for Friday. Does this mean that "Junior" is on his way?

If any of you ever hop over to my blogger blog, you will notice a new blogroll listing that I have added. This is a listing of members of a blog site, Blogging Chicks, that I found and recently joined. To become a member, you must email the manager and she will send you a code snippet that you are supposed to add to your blog. It worked fine for mine over at blogger, but my MSN Space wouldn't be agreeable on accepting the code. So instead since I post duplicate entries at both places, I will probably just add a link to the Blogging Chicks site. One point of interest at this blog is weekly Carnivals. Not sure how to explain it so you will just have to click here to get more info. If I remember right, I believe I discovered this over at Sparksfley's Blog.

Wanna blog for a good cause? Then join hundreds of other bloggers on July 29, for the 6th annual Blogathon '06. Choose your charity, collect your sponsors and get ready to blog for 24 hours.

So many blogs and so many listing to add them to. Here's one that I found while reading Living Space. Add your blog and your birthday to the Ageless Project.


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"Little Girl Lost"

There is a part of my soul that has become frozen in time. She is a "little girl" at the tender age of 13, and she dwells in that part of my being called "my unconscious mind". She has become locked in the year of 1985 and is too terrified to venture out into today. She is horrified at the thought of "change". To her static, unchanging, same, unmoving, rigid, etc. are safe. She absolutely cannot accept change. To color outside the lines is an unthinkable and horrendous thought. Routines must be simple and consistent and must be followed. Any degree of "differentiation" and her world would come to an indescribable end. It is impossible for her to try new and different things. She is in a constant state of worry and checking to make sure that her boundaries are stable and secure. No one may enter these boundaries that she has built and neither can she escape from them. To know the "world" on the outside would be too demanding of her being and too much turmoil for her mind. The outside is full of "imperfections" and if she were to venture into that unknown, she would become overwhelmed with the enormous task of fixing those "imperfections". A task that she knows is impossible to do and would be doomed to fail. "Failure" is not acceptable. She must erase "failure" from her mind, her being, and her soul. All of her possessions, her thinking, her doing, her being, must be "perfect". There cannot be any flaws in anything of hers or of her. Each day she awakes to the daunting task of "fixing" her surroundings, and each day she lies down utterly exhausted, disappointed, angry, and depressed that she wasn't able to "fix" all of her surroundings. She sleeps fitfully knowing that with the next day the same daunting task is there to laugh at her. There is no ending. This "little girl lost" is in a never-ending cycle of strict regime. Nothing is allowed to falter or her "safe place" will forever be lost. She is so tired now and just wishes that she could accomplish the ultimate "fix" for everything that is troubling her from past, present, and in the future. There are times where she wants to attempt something different, to experience adventures in life, to explore her surroundings, and learn new things, but she knows that she mustn't do this. It would allow "failure" to sneak in and unravel all that she has managed to hold together. "Failure" is not allowed.

To be continued...

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Happy Birthday to Me!!

35 years young! (or so I wish)

I had a very enjoyable day even though my original plans were changed somewhat. The original plans were to head to the theaters and watch Pirates of the Caribbean, have dinner, and shopping. My friend, T, called early yesterday and wanted to know if I wanted to go shopping with her and so I obliged. CR, T, and I headed out around 3:00 pm for some major shopping at Books-A-Million, Office Depot, and Wal-Mart. We dined at the Olive Garden and indulged ourselves with spaghetti, fettuccine, manicotti, and bruschetta. We were stuffed. My gifts to myself include 3 books, a software program, and some magazines. I also bought myself a birthday cake and adorned it with 35 candles. Sorry, I can't tell you what my wish was.


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Long Hours

I am utterly exhausted today. That dismal part of my life called my place of employment, decided that since we weren't going to work Saturday we would instead work way up into the morning. I clocked out at 2:20 am. My normal clock-out time is around 11:35 pm. Wyrm clocked out around 5:00 am. His normal clock-out time is 11:40 pm. It is on these rare occasions that I get to see the sunrise and see the world at daybreak, but by being angry at my employers, it is so hard to just enjoy the beauty of it. Wyrm was agreeable to stopping at Denny's on the way home for something to eat. He divulged himself into a philly steak sandwich while I had eggs, sausage, hash browns, and pancakes. It was good.

I had originally intended to celebrate my birthday today by going to the movies and dining out, but with those long hours on that concrete floor, my foot (I have problems with tendonitis and plantar fasciitis) is almost unbearable to walk on. More than likely I will spend today relaxing, popping Tylenols, and using extensive amounts of pain relief cream to try to get my foot eased enough to be able to go out later on tonight or possibly tomorrow.

I'm experimenting with the possibility of freelance work. I have recently applied for a few writing jobs in the hopes of hearing from maybe one of them for some work. I so need a change. Do you ever feel that you are supposed to be doing more than the job that you're doing now, but you just don't know what it is? I'm feeling that way right now. I know that there is more to my life than this dead end job that I'm at. I just haven't discovered what it is exactly that I'm supposed to be doing. I guess you could say that I've been doing some soul searching for awhile now.

Well, I guess that's it for now until I can get to the theaters and let y'all know how my birthday outings go.


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Ultraviolet (Unrated, Extended Cut) I watched this movie with CR last night. I enjoyed it although it was kind of hard to follow. The special effects were great and so was Milla Jovovovich (sp.?).

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Madea's Family Reunion

Madea's Family Reunion (2006) I love the first movie, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, and so decided to purchase this one. I feel that it wasn't quite as funny as the first one, but still enjoyable. Madea is just too funny.

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Another Day Gone

I'm sitting here at the computer table and wondering, "Where has this day gone?" It seems like time is just flying by lately, and I can't finish in one day everything that I want to do. It's especially hard to find time for my favorite things when I go in to work, but enough about that place.

We celebrated our 4th of July by grilling hot dogs and hamburgers. They were really good and satisfying. After the tasty meal, I spent the biggest part of the day changing my template at my blog at blogger. I really like it. It took quite a bit of work, but I managed to get it fixed pretty much the way I want it. I have found other appealing templates and saved them to my computer. I suppose I will be taking this weekend to fix the others with my links and such so that I am able to switch them out easily if I so choose.

While in my search for blogger templates, I came upon this interesting blog editor program that I am using now to write this entry. I downloaded Zoundry Blog Writer from Zoundry and am having fun experimenting. With it you are able to set up multiple blog accounts and post without actually going to the blog site itself. There are other features that you might want to check out for yourself.

I hope that you enjoyed your holiday as much as I enjoyed mine. Earlier I watched Madea's Family Reunion with CR, and I believe now I will go watch Ultraviolet. I will post my thoughts on both movies later on.


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Holidays Around the World

This is a question posed to all who live in countries other than the United States. I was reading a post over at Crazy Bloggin' Canuck and it inspired me to ask this question: What holidays do you have in your country and how do you celebrate them and if you are living in the US now do you still celebrate those holidays that are native to your country? Please take a moment and give me your thoughts.

Time For That Change

I have slacked off considerable on posting here lately and that really bothers me. It's not that I feel obligated to post something everyday. It's that I want to post something everyday, but am either too tired or don't know what to "talk" about. I live a very mundane and boring life, or so it seems to me. There is just so much that I can talk about work and then it starts to grate on my nerves. I so much want to forget about that place. As I am sitting here typing this, I can hear outside the pops and bangs of early 4th celebraters. I feel that I'm not in the mood to do fireworks this year. My foot is really bugging me and with work not letting up for me to get rest, I don't want to trust it with setting off fireworks and trying to make a quick getaway. So more than likely this year's celebration will consist of our usual cookout of hamburgers and hotdogs and then relaxation inside. This satisfies me. I believe that there are some major changes coming at work in the near future. There is all kinds of rumor and speculation as to what those changes are, but as rumors go we will not know anything for definite until we get some type of notification. Talk now is that there is some big staff meeting that is supposed to take place tomorrow. Although that same big talk was originally planned for last week at sometime. Who knows?? I must close for now as it is getting kind of late and there are still more entries that I would like to post and other things I want to do. Later