
It Looks to Me Like Relief...

may be on the horizon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

My morning began by Wyrm and I leaving out a little before 10:00 am. We arrived at Trover Clinic, registered, and found the doctor's office with little problem. The Dr. seemed nice and explained the mechanics of what was wrong with my foot and why I was having chronic pain. This I understood completely due to other doctors' explanations and the online research that I had done. He also explained the cortisone shot that I could take and the inserts that I should be using and how the combination of these two things should bring me relief. OK, been there, done that, but here's what was being done wrong all of these years. Yes, I've followed other doctors' advice and bought the inserts only I bought them from places like Wal-Mart and athletic shoe stores. They were not what I was needing. I was needing a much harder insert to support my arch and keep it from falling. The ones I were buying were actually not sturdy enough. That was the first thing I received correction on. The second thing was the cortisone shot. I have received two shots in my hip for relief during the duration of my problem. I would get relief, but it wouldn't last for long. The doctor's insight as to why the relief wouldn't last was it was the wrong location for the shot. Where is the shot supposed to go then? In my foot. SAY WHAT?!?! Now there are some parts of the body that a needle should never be poked into and the foot is one of them. He gave me some time to mull it over. Let's see, pain in foot compared to pain of needle being poked into a "no-no" area. (Yes, I actually had to think about this and weigh the pros and cons) Well, the pain in my foot won the debate and I succumbed to having a needle go where it shouldn't be going.(in my foot, I must stress this fact) I relinquished my appendage to the good ol' doc as I wrapped my arms around Wyrm and buried my face into his side. OK, 1, 2, 3, "oh, Heaven help me! This was only supposed to last a second but stretched into 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds. OK, I am feeling relief now and the regret of having this "barbaric" procedure done is s-l-o-w-l-y fading away. To ensure healing, the doc. has extended my time off for the rest of this week. I will return to work on Monday. I will see after that night if all of this is really going to work.

After the "rude awakening" (shot in foot) at the doc's office, Wyrm and I head to Arby's for lunch and then to Wal-Mart to pick up a few odds and ends. I was amazed and ecstatic while be-bopping around the store and managing to walk heel-to-toe without any pain. Something I have not been able to do in years.

After Wal-Mart, we then head all the way to CR's school to pick up his class schedule for his sophomore year. This year he will be taking World Civilization, Algebra II part A, Arts and Humanities, and English 10 for first semester. For his second semester, he will be taking Political Science, Algebra II part B, Integrated Science, and Word Processing. He seems to be satisfied with it. School for our county starts on August 3rd. Each year they start school sooner and sooner. I'm hoping he does as well this year as he did last year.

That was my day in a nutshell. I think the highlight was seeing an x-ray of both my feet and being shown the beginnings of two spurs in each foot and the beginnings of arthritis in my left foot. Another joy was being told that I need to lose weight (yes, I'm fat, tell me something I don't know, like how to get rid of the addiction of junk food) and that I may be one of those people who needs a sit down job. (oh how one can dream) LOL


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is all sounding so familiar. I, too had chronic foot pain a few years back, a condition the doc said was brought on by my daily trail running and hiking expeditions.

It got so bad I could barely walk on it without a searing, shooting pain in my heel. They threatened me with the cortisone shots but I never got them. I just had to tone down on my activities, ice it frequently and they also told me to do these weird stretches. None of that helped cure it really until my mom gave me some miracle cream that she used for her MS. I know it sounds wacky but it was the ONLY thing that made the pain go away. And it made a believer out of me. :-)