
Nature of Love

Put your lips up to the wind And kiss the chilly air Let the breeze carry you to me So I can feel you through my hair Raise your hand to the clouds And imagine my skin to your touch Know with the softness that I’m with you And missing you oh so much Open your mouth to the falling rain Can you taste the tears that I cry Speak softly to the leaves that blow And I’ll catch them as they pass by I’ll place them up to my ear And listen to you speak Those loving precious words That leave me feeling weak We both reach out to the sun So that with the beams we can embrace And in the reflection of the moon I’ll look for your smiling face No open road can keep us apart With the wonder of nature we have here I’ll use those wonders to keep you in my heart Until I can have you near

Monday love lost?

Once upon a time before the age of computers, text messaging, cell phones, email, and other forms of communication technology, there was a time where one sat at a desk with pen in hand and paper before him in order to convey thoughts, feelings, and notes of importance. One had to actually move pen over paper to transfer unspoken words from the mind to readable form. Has this become a lost art form? Do you still take the time to sit at a desk or table with pen in hand and paper before you to tell your thoughts to family, loved ones, or friends? I hate to admit it, but for myself, I rarely take those few minutes to actually write a letter to someone. The ease of technology has overshadowed that antique form of communication and letter writing has gotten lost in the cyber shuffle. With computers, it is so convenient to access a word processing program or email and type those words that jump and juggle in my mind. Just one click of a button and my letter to a friend will be arriving to their inbox in seconds or minutes. My, how things have changed. Even with the convenience of these newfangled forms of communicating, I still love to feel a pen in my hand and watch as words form on the pages with movement. The end result feels more personal to me by holding the paper in my hand and reading the scribbles of ink. I have loved this feeling since I was a child. Even before I knew words and how to spell, I would pick up a pen and just doodle across the page. No comprehension to anyone else, but me. In my mind, I knew just what those squggles meant. As I got older and learned the magic of words, spelling, and grammar, words started to jump and knock about anxious to be released in some understandable form, or not. The release of those thoughts to page was as sweet as chocolate to my tongue and the pleasure just as equal. That is the beauty of words and language. As I aged over the years, so my writing changed from just simple sentences to poetic forms and stories of short nature although I never seemed to actually finish the stories. With poetry, I could express my feelings in written form and not be cumbered with thoughts jumping ahead of my hand as they did with stories. As scattered and erratic as my thoughts were so too were the papers. One page would be here while another paper would be over there. Many collections of folders with unfinished ideas jotted down in a hurry were scattered in different places. I wasn't one for organization with my thoughts as I was with my other material belongings. Somehow though I managed to not lose all of those ramblings of my mind, but just a few. Now as I am 34 years old and a working adult, I find that it is almost impossible to capture those jugglings thoughts and words as well as I could when I was younger. Work smothers my mind to the point of near death and makes it difficult to concentrate on those words that have now become distant. It is so depressing sometimes that I no longer have the desire to caress paper with a pen and form those magical swirls. This cloud has even overflowed to sitting at my desk and moving my fingers across a keyboard and shadowed my mind with darkness. Even writing this is somewhat difficult and I have to pause to collect my thoughts and how I want to convey them. With each passing therapy session, a light has appeared and seems to be growing brighter. That wonderful feeling of wanting words to flow from the closed doors of my mind has resurfaced, and I must embrace it. This is my inner being and who I am. With each revelation I am closer to finding myself and recovering those lost words and thoughts. I can now feel a need to release them to paper and feel a little braver to show them to the world.


Underworld: Evolution

Yes, I added this movie to my DVD collection not because it's a sequel (and I have to have everything in a set), but because it's just that good. I loved the story in this movie and the special effects were just great. The actors were really good also. This is a definite movie to watch if you are into the vampire store and such.


CR talked me into buying this one, and I'm glad that I did. This was a pretty good movie in my opinion and not just because it starred Harrison Ford. It's a good thriller that held my attention throughout the whole thing. Harrison did a good job acting in this one, but then again I think he's just a good actor period.

Meet Shelly (aka Latte Lady): Shelly's Scoop

Welcome to Shelly (aka Latte Lady). Shelly is visiting me this week from her space Shelly's Scoop. Shelly is a realtor who in her spare time enjoys jotting down her daily musings at her MSN Space, shopping for purses, surfing the "net" and just relaxing. She's a mom of two rocker teen boys who are in their own band, FinishLine. Check them out. Shelly also enjoys chocolate and those wonderful tall nonfat vanilla lattes. Shelly is on a mission to sell 12 houses by October so there will be no worries during the slow season. Shelly's space was featured on What's Your Story? in May and enjoyed her week of fame. Please take a moment of your time and click on over to Shelly's Scoop to visit awhile. Tell her I sent ya.


Just Another Boring Day

My apologies yet again for not posting updates more often. I want so much to come here and write everyday, but there isn't anything of significance going on to write about. Plus, I'm just so frustrated with work, and I know you have to be getting tired of me complaining about my job and such. Rumor has it that we will be working the next 10 Saturdays so my weekends are pretty much gone. It's like we are just not supposed to have any lives of our own. I haven't been able to access my friend Rachel's blog in order to find out about her dad. So I have no news on that right now. CR and Took are planning to go to Owensboro come Monday. CR has already hit me up for some cash, and I suppose I will oblige. I've really been slacking on my space lately. I really need to update my modules with more recent movies, books, DVD's, and recipes. I just haven't been in the mood lately when I come home from work. I guess I shall close for now. I'm still in my work clothes and need to change into my jammies. Later


A Simple Request...

for all of those who take the time to come to my space, to those who happen to come across my space when surfing at Blog Explosion or BlogMad, and those who visit my space just by chance. Would you please take a moment of your time to visit with Rachel Pennington (she writes at "How I See It"), Jaime Campbell (she writes at "I Want to Tell You"), and Liz (she writes at "Life Under the Northern Sky"). These ladies need your thoughts and prayers at this difficult time in their lives. Even if you are not a Christian and you practice another faith, religion, or belief, please still take just a few moments to stop at each lady's blog to give them words of comfort that they are so needing now. Jaime is having a difficult time in her life due to her mother being hospitalized. You can read her story here. Liz is having some very difficult problems in her life right now. You can read her story here. Rachel's father has just had surgery to remove his prostate and is now suffering from renal kidney failure and has a blood clot in his leg. You can read her story here. As of this writing Rachel's blog is having technical difficulties. If you click on the link and are not able to view her blog, you may email me with your thoughts, prayers, and comforting words and I will forward them to her. It will only take just a few minutes to read each of these lady's stories and give her a prayer or comforting words. Would you please do so. And also it would be greatly appreciated if you could spread the word by either blogging about this entry or copying/pasting it and writing an entry of your own. Thank you


Coming down with a cold.

I have really been lagging on posting haven't I. It's just that here lately it seems there isn't anything of significance to write about. Plus, I have developed a cold over the weekend. My guess is that I got it Saturday while out shopping with Took. We got soaked heading into Wal-Mart and then got chilled while shopping. I started that little twinge feeling by the end of the night, and I figured by morning I would have a stuffy nose. Sure enough. For some reason I have been drawn to wanting to try painting again. I took art in high school and tried using oils, acrylics, and watercolors, but I didn't think that I was any good so I dropped it. After many years of soul searching for myself I have learned that some things you just have to do for yourself regardless if others may like it or not and to not worry over everyone's opinions. I need to paint for me and not compare myself to other talented artists. I also loved pottery while I was taking art in school. My mom has kept many of the pieces that I made for her. That was a joy to put my fingers into clay and mold it into something. My mom and Took are looking into some art projects themselves and are already delving themselves into jewelry making. You could say the we have a family line of crafters with Grandma and mom crocheting and quilting, and mom making crafts. Took inherited the sewing capabilities while I just inherited a love for art. CR is now taking art in school and is liking it very much. As much as I would love to sit here and write away the time, I just can't think of anything else that I could conjure up for you to read. My brain is foggy with this cold and there hasn't been anything really going on besides a rainy weekend. Hope that your weekend was enjoyable. Later



My apologies for not posting anything daily. I've just been coming home tired and not able to really think clearly. I had an entry typed last night, but had the most awful time trying to post it. I eventually just gave up. Work has been posted for Saturday, but I believe that I have decided to play hookey. One day to rest before the next work week is just not enough for me. CR and Took enjoyed Wednesday by going out to eat at Godfather's Pizza. CR told me later that he really had a fun time out with his aunt. He thinks the world of her. On Thursday another outing was planned that included CR, his friend from school, Took, Mom, and Grandma. They had lunch at a local restaurant. It's moments like these that irritate me so much cause it feels like I'm missing out on things. Later.


A Revelation

I had my therapy appt. today, and it was a pretty good one this time. As doc was filling out papers, he listed one of my conditions as PTSD. In all of my research, it never occurred to me that this was actually what is preventing me from pursuing my dreams. Is it possible? Could this one thing that I WILL resolve be the key to overcoming all of the emotions, fears, and anxieties that have plagued me for years? As of now, it feels right. He suggested an idea to me today or actually he suggested two. The first one was to picture myself in a theater. Then I was to picture myself in the projection room, but yet still in the auditorium watching the screen. I then played a movie of my traumatic event across the screen in black and white. This one just wasn't working for me. I'm not sure why. The second one was to reach out to the little girl that I was when the event happened and console her with what I know now as an adult. This technique feels right to me. I know what words to say to that little girl of 1985. Wondering what that event was that could leave me so devastated? In 1985 on June 30, my father committed suicide. He was pronounced dead on July 1. Eight days later on the 9th I celebrated my 14th birthday. Some birthday, huh. I guess this could explain why I never make a big deal with my birthday, but I do for everyone else. That was a pivoting moment in my life where my world was undergoing changes. I had signed up for my freshman classes the month before and was eagerly anticipating my first year there. My birthday was coming up where I would've invited my friends over for a small party, and life was just good then. What took place that night so long ago, was something that noone should ever have to endure. It completely turned my world upside down, and I feel it has never been the same since. Actually I know that it hasn't. I do realize that I have anger towards my dad and that is to be expected. There are so many things that he missed out on that I wanted so much for him to be there. My graduation, the birth of my son, and my marriage to my 2nd husband. The first one isn't worth mentioning. It was a goof on both our parts. The only smart thing that came out of the was my son. It's not solely that I'm angry because he isn't here to be apart of everyday life with me as it is that I will never get to ask him, "Why!?". I will never have answers to these questions that occasionally pop into my head now. Over the years it has slowed. Sometimes I wonder if I do really want those answers. Is it just best for me to accept that I won't know and to just move on which I have but not completely. This is something that I WILL resolve now that I think I am going in the right direction. I guess you could say that this story will be continued...


A Beautiful Day

As I sit here at my computer table typing away, I occasionally look out my front door to the outside world. The sun has finally decided to peep out of the clouds this late afternoon. It still has a drab dreary look that to some people is unappealing, but to me it is a beautiful day. It’s as if the world has taken a moment to relax from its summer work. This is nature at its best. Yesterday was very relaxing and enjoyable. Took, CR, and I headed out for a night out. Our plans were changed at the last moment from going to the movies to shopping for groceries and eating, and boy, did we eat. We all made pigs of ourselves. I stuck with my usual of a burrito dinner while CR decided to opt for the babyback ribs and chicken (which he thoroughly enjoyed) and Took indulged in a sampler of Tex-Mex delights. To say we were stuffed is an understatement. We then slowly rolled out of the restaurant and headed for our favorite shopping place, Wal-Mart to partake in the mundane task of getting the groceries. Took, who has now finally made the decision to get a divorce, found bargains in the clearance aisle and purchased a DVD player for when she is able to have a place of her own. She was very happy with her find. I on the other hand purchased a blender in order to make smoothies for the summer. I had the pleasure of “breaking it in” once we got home and made milkshakes for CR and me. Later that night after Mom and Took retired for the night, CR and I took another of our purchases into my bedroom and popped it into the DVD player. Firewall was an entertaining movie in both our opinions. As of now I must close to eat spaghetti before I have to get ready for Wyrm and I to go to church. Later


Guest For a Week (Sparks and Butterflies by Sparksfley)

I'd like for ya'll to take a moment of your time and check out my guest for the week, Sparks and Butterflies by Sparksfley. Sparks lives in southern California and works at a movie studio. To describe Sparks she's a homebody with a wicked streak. Sparks has been married to her husband for 8 years and they have two wonderful sons, Joseph and Logan. Sparksfley was raised by her great aunt and uncle and has been searching for her other siblings. She has recently found her youngest sister although they haven't met face to face yet. Sparksfley has some great pictures of herself and her family at Flickr. Along with taking photos of her family Sparksfley also loves to read and has an extensive listing of books that she has read. Take a just a few minutes of your time and click on over to Sparksfley's blog, Sparks and Butterflies.


What Do I Title This?

Sometimes it’s hard to think up a catchy title for an entry. To those who take a moment of their time to come to my blog and read my thoughts, my apologies for not posting anything the past couple of nights. After the unexpected events over the weekend, I just can’t seem to get enough sleep or be able to think clearly to write for that matter. On Monday, instead of staying up like I usually do, I went to bed around 1:30 am. I did not get up till 12:00 pm to get ready for work. That’s nearly 12 hours of sleep and that’s nothing unusual for me. I have to have an alarm clock to be able to get up in time for work. If I don’t set the alarms, I will sleep close to nine hours or more if circumstances will let me. Speaking of clocks, Wyrm killed my alarm clock last week. The poor thing would actually go off without me even turning the alarm on. I think we finally came to an understanding that if he wants us to continue to have jobs, it is necessary for him to not brutalize any clock that I have. To help in this I had him pick out the next one. His first choice was a clock that if possible would have been able to tell me future. This stupid thing would tell you the weather inside or outside, time zone, etc. The bad thing was that it was completely battery operated. I told him to take it back and switch it with one that would work on electricity. He came back with the clock that we now have in our bedroom. Who needs a bedside lamp when we can just use the LCD to light up our room. Makes for a hard time getting to sleep. A short update on my sister. As of now, I don’t really know what is going on between the two of them. Took was under the impression that they were going to work things out, and she was to move back in. Yesterday she received a call from him telling her not to come back. My poor sis. I really feel for her. I hate that she is going through this teeter totter relationship. It’s really not good for her emotionally. CR just told a little while ago that Took wants to take me to the movies this weekend to see The Omen. I’m all for that! I suppose I should close for now. It’s getting late, and I at least want to get started on my introduction for my next “guest of the week” on my MSN Space before going to bed. Later


An Emotional Weekend

Well, what do I say, and how do I say it? This emotional weekend began early Thursday morning with a phone call from Wyrm’s grandmother. His uncle who had been in the hospital for the past couple of months passed away in the early morning hours. He had developed a problem with his lungs and eventually was put on a ventilator. It seemed that the last week, his family believed that he would soon be coming home. He had made amazing improvement and was laughing and talking and then it happened. For some reason, he started to go down and he was gone. The reason for my hiatus this weekend was because of the visitation and funeral with the family. It was heart wrenching to see Wyrm’s grandfather break down. I don’t know about you, but as a child growing up I saw my grandparents as the rock of the family. It is heartbreaking to see them break at moments like this. Love was ever flowing along with tears, but they pulled through. I managed to hold up and be strong for Wyrm until we went to his grandparents afterwards. Those moods hit all of a sudden, and the only way I felt that I could manage through it was to just go out on the front porch with the cool breeze to blow on my face. Wyrm just simply cannot/won’t accept this and was constantly telling me to come inside. Not even chocolate cake could get through the emotions I was having at the moment. He finally let up, and I finally managed to get settled down enough to make it through until he was ready to come home. We are both emotionally exhausted and decided to not go to church tonight. We both just needed to come home and relax. His family will have a hard way to go for awhile, but they are a strong family and will make it through. Later


Happy Birthday, Val!

Birthday, Val!

A Short Hiatus

Due to some unexpected family issues, I will be absent from blogging for a short time (I may probably start back next week after things settle down). I know this is unexpected and all especially after meeting some new bloggers , and I apologize. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon. Later