
Guest For a Week (Sparks and Butterflies by Sparksfley)

I'd like for ya'll to take a moment of your time and check out my guest for the week, Sparks and Butterflies by Sparksfley. Sparks lives in southern California and works at a movie studio. To describe Sparks she's a homebody with a wicked streak. Sparks has been married to her husband for 8 years and they have two wonderful sons, Joseph and Logan. Sparksfley was raised by her great aunt and uncle and has been searching for her other siblings. She has recently found her youngest sister although they haven't met face to face yet. Sparksfley has some great pictures of herself and her family at Flickr. Along with taking photos of her family Sparksfley also loves to read and has an extensive listing of books that she has read. Take a just a few minutes of your time and click on over to Sparksfley's blog, Sparks and Butterflies.


Anonymous said...

My goodness! I think you did my bio better than I did my own! Thank you for such a lovely introduction.

Elizabeth said...

You are more than welcome.