

Blogged! The blog about blogging and bloggers for bloggers.


What better way to express my love of writing and blogging. I have said before that I believe my life to be absolutely boring and prefer writing about other things. Voila! A new Space is born. With all of the new brainstorming ideas going around, (Blogme, Aunt Tea's Photo Flavors, etc.), I decided to jump on the bandwagon so to speak and create a new space. The only difference is I will be writing about the aformentioned brainstorm ideas, along with interviews of fellow bloggers, and many other things to come. So would you please join me in the "Grand Opening" of my new MSN Space, Blogged!.Also, if you would be so kind as to relay ideas and suggestions of thing you would like to read and see and spread the word (and url) about Blogged!.


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