
Discoveries (Finding those little "gems" while blogwalking)

Every once in awhile when I go blog walking I discover new and exciting things (or at least to me) that are worth sharing, and we all know that it is a good thing to share, right?

Blog Me, Baby: Mocha Momma will be attending the Blogher Conference of '06 in San Jose, CA on July 28 and 29. She has become so anxious to meet some of the attendees that she just couldn't wait and come up with an idea of interviewing them which now has turned into a whole interviewing bloggers community thing. It sounds like so much fun that I think I will be joining in on the shebang. Want more details? Then go to Mocha Momma's for more details and also go to Blogher to get more details on how to get it going and a list of the questions.

As I was sitting up one night after work reading my faves on my blogroll, I clicked over to Aunt Tea's to see what she was up to. Aunt Tea has been up to quite a bit. She has started another MSN Space for a photography group. Join Aunt Tea and other's over at Aunt Tea's Photo Flavors where she posts ideas for photo themes and you email her your photos to be included in that theme's album. Click on over to Aunt Tea's Photo Flavors for more info.

MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger have the beginnings of a new friendship. I found out this little tidbit over at MSN Space of the Day. You can now add Yahoo contacts to your MSN Messenger as long as your Yahoo buddy has the new Yahoo Messenger with Voice downloaded. Nifty.

Amber over at Crazy Bloggin' Canuck has just recently moved her space over to blogger and is enjoying her new digs. There's also another little surprise. Amber hasn't posted an entry for Friday. Does this mean that "Junior" is on his way?

If any of you ever hop over to my blogger blog, you will notice a new blogroll listing that I have added. This is a listing of members of a blog site, Blogging Chicks, that I found and recently joined. To become a member, you must email the manager and she will send you a code snippet that you are supposed to add to your blog. It worked fine for mine over at blogger, but my MSN Space wouldn't be agreeable on accepting the code. So instead since I post duplicate entries at both places, I will probably just add a link to the Blogging Chicks site. One point of interest at this blog is weekly Carnivals. Not sure how to explain it so you will just have to click here to get more info. If I remember right, I believe I discovered this over at Sparksfley's Blog.

Wanna blog for a good cause? Then join hundreds of other bloggers on July 29, for the 6th annual Blogathon '06. Choose your charity, collect your sponsors and get ready to blog for 24 hours.

So many blogs and so many listing to add them to. Here's one that I found while reading Living Space. Add your blog and your birthday to the Ageless Project.


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