
A Wet One

Today began as all the other days began, hot and sultry, but by mid afternoon, the storm clouds rolled in with the winds and rain. Now it's just a pleasant coolness outside in a gray wet world. I love it when it rains as long as it's not one of those torrential horrendous storms that spawn tornadoes with booming thunder that will rattle your windows and cracking lightening loud enough to deafen your ears. Just this nice little rainfall that we had a little earlier. So far we have been very luck this summer (knocking on wood) and not had any storms that have been extensively damaging.

It has been noted that schools in our area will start August 3. Could they get an earlier? (actually don't answer that question, I don't want it to.) Keep it up and my guess is that next year they will start back in July. What has happened to summer vacation where it started the middle of May and ended the middle of August. I dread him going back. He's growing so much and getting older. He's a teen so usually he wants to do his own thing, but there are times where he still doesn't mind to "hang" with his mom. Soon I will be going back to work and it will revert back to the same ol' routine of me being gone during the day and when I come home, he will be asleep. The only time I will get to see him will be on the weekends. I will miss out on school events and such. I'm hoping that he will enjoy his classes this year as much as he enjoyed them last year, and he won't have too much trouble with his math work. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one.

As much as I would like to sit here and type away while occasionally glancing out the front door, I need to pull myself away and find me something to much on.


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