
Inspired to Write (Post)

As I was surfing at BlogExplosion(see blog directory list), I came across this one blog that caught my attention. I usually just click and wait the required 30 seconds and then click again to try and get the mystery credits, but this blog in particular stood out to me. It was then that I had to explore. What I found was a blogger, from Australia I believe, who loves to write and wishes that she could do it full time. Oh, how I long to be able to do that myself. Along in one of her entries she mentioned a project that she was starting to venture in. She included a survey of questions about blogging/journaling for readers to answer and return to her. Her idea is to compile her findings into a book that she hopes to have published. It was enough for me to get jumpstarted and post to my space. If you are interested, you may check her out at New Century Notebook. I have a sick one here. I awoke to find my son still in bed around noon. I thought that somehow I had managed to get up before him. I discovered that he was running a fever and coughing. After my hubby awoke, we ventured out into the weather(snow)to MultiCare. The ol' URI infection has him. Apparently, it's been going around according to the doctor. They have seen many patients with this because of the ups and downs with the temps. Speaking of temps, they said his was 101. Poor thing. You could tell he felt bad. It's usually very hard to get the kid to be still or quiet. Now it's very hard to get him to move or say anything. He has time off from school until Tues. and that's something that he's happy about(arent' all kids?). Mother Nature has decided to be generous now and give us some snow, or, at least the other counties surrounding us. We seem to be stuck in that rut where everyone else is getting the pretty white stuff but us. On our way to MultiCare there was one point where it was a whiteout. You couldn't see the treeline in the horizon until you were right up on them. Still wasn't able to capture a photo though. I've been getting some traffic according to my statistics, but no comments or guestbook signings. Hey, I know I lead a boring life, but ya'll could still say "hi". I've tried renting some space on another blog to maybe drive some more traffic my way and hopefully some guests who will comment. I've rented space at Dee411. I rented the space without checking out her blog, but after a quick glance I do believe that she is also a Lulu author. I shall check her site out more later, but please check her site out as a thank you for allowing space for mine. Later

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