

Grrrr... For the past couple of nights, I have been trying to get online and for some strange reason it just wasn't happening. Darn internet connection. Okay. Here's a short explanation on the renovation. I'm revamping my modules and space as my home. DVD listings are the living room, Game listings are the gameroom, and for the kitchen I plan on adding some recipes. Now I don't cook. I just simply don't have the patience for it, but it doesn't stop me from sifting through recipes every now and then and salivating over those that look good to me. So that's what I will be listing plus some of my mom's recipes. For two days I've wanted to get online and do some work on my space and now that I've managed to get online I'm just not in the mood right now. Go figure. I've been trying to think of another title for my space but can't come up with anything catchy off the top of my head. Any suggestions? Work has been somber for this week. One of my coworkers was killed in a car accident Sunday. I'm not sure on exact details, but one thing for definite is that he was drinking. One other person was killed and another was injured. There's been alot of repercussions of this accident, and it is so sad what all the families are having to go through. For anyone out there reading this, please don't drink and drive. Friday is supposed to be our last day before a temporary shutdown for maintenance work. Yay. I can't wait. I get to play on the computer and hopefully the weather will be agreeable so that I can get outside and maybe play with the camera. My sis that is having the marital problems is with us. It's looking like they may not be able to work things out. She's holding out well though. We're planning on going out shopping next week while I'm off. I will so enjoy it. I rarely got to see her before. Warning: Following sites that I've linked to contain crude language and possible material. Click at your own risk. Well I did it. I submitted my space to I Talk 2 Much for a review. These are a rude crude bunch of people, and they give a warning to not submit your site for review if you are sensitive. I did it anyway. Not so much as for a constructive review, but for the comments that would be given. I didn't expect that bunch to like my space anyway. In fact, my space here is considered a train wreck and the reviewer had no intentions of putting his fingerprints on it. So basically to the reviewer and commenters my space sucked. Especially to those that apparently didn't view it in IE. With Firefox the whole thing is totally messed up, and I think I will try to work on that so it can be viewed with Firefox as well. But it's so good to know that this blog was better recieved than mine. The actual lesson that was being taught was that I don't have to worry what others think of me, what I write, or what I do. Somebody out there will like me, what I write, and what I do. I do have some faithful readers, and I like what I am doing. That's all that matters for me. We've been having some gorgeous weather here lately. I've woke up to some beautiful afternoons, and my mood has been much better going into work. I've had some down days but my attitude about work and the people is slowly improving. I've been praying also for God to help me with patience at work. I try to pray every day, but this is all new to me and some days I forget. I also keep forgetting to thank God at the end of the day for his help and guidance. Oops. We've been keeping up with church and trying real hard to change ourselves for the better. I've hardly heard my hubby cuss at all, and I've almost stopped myself except for a few slips. Well, I think that I heard it thunder so I guess I will close. I want to catch up on email and other blogs I read since I haven't been able to. I've gotten behind. Later

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