
Welcome Mocha Momma

Please welcome, Kelly(aka Mocha Momma)to my home for the week. Actually this lady, who would "would sniff a line of coffee grounds", needs no introduction. She is well known in the blogging community with her MSN Space, but did you know that she also has a blog at blogger? While surfing the blog world I came across her blog, Mocha Momma and this is the one that I will be featuring. Kelly moved to blogger cause it was easier to upload her photos that she has on Flickr. Kelly loves taking photos especially now that she has a new Canon Digital Rebel XT that she got from her hubby, Ken. She has been thoroughly enjoying her new toy along with her son Morgan. Recently they spent some time together in Springfield shooting cameras, Kelly with her new one, and Morgan with his mom's old one. Kelly loves spending time with her boys, Mason and Morgan, and her daughter, Mallory, when she is home from college. There's not much to tell about, Kelly, that her blogging buddies don't already know except that she plans to have her own website that is in the works now. When she unveils it to everyone I will post a link here. In the meantime enjoy reading about Kelly at Kelly's Space: Life Fueled by Coffee and at Mocha Momma and take a gander at her photos on Flickr. Tell her I sent ya.

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