
I'm Home From Work and Here's the Podcasting Bit

MSN and my computer were being an absolute pain that I decided to type my entry with my word processor, so the actual date of my entry is May 11, 2006, at 2:54 am instead of what the post date says. Work wasn’t really that bad except that throughout the night my mind was awhirl with words, phrases, ideas, and such. The disappointment was that being out on the production floor there was nothing for me to transfer my brain buzz to. Here I am silently wishing that I had paper and pencil in front of me or better yet my computer when I am actually supposed to be working. I keep looking at my watch thinking that somehow that would make time go by faster so that I could go home. Finally the end of the shift came, I didn’t have to wait on Wyrm (hubby), and we both headed out the door. We arrive home and as I sit down at my desk every bit and piece of my imagination just fizzles out. This is why I hate working so much. My brain’s buzzing the whole time I’m at work, but the minute I get home and get ready to write it just fazes out. I’m usually very tired and achy at this time and it makes it very hard to concentrate. If there was just someway that I could jot down my thoughts at the moment they are dancing in my head, I might could manage being at that place. It’s irritating to have rhyme going and there is no way for me to capture it at that moment. I found the article about podcasting with MSN Spaces. Eric Rice gives instructions on how to podcast on MSN Spaces with feedburner. I’m not very smart about technical stuff like this so instead of trying to explain it, I’ll just link to his entry. I may try this later on, who knows, but for right now, I’ll just stick with Odeo. I’m actually getting some plays, but no comments so far, and there’s no way to tell who’s listened. I’m not for sure if I’ll be keeping up with it or not. It’s just something that I found and like playing with. I may come up with different ideas for things instead of just reading my entries.

Quote: I think Podcasting from MSN works!I think it worked! I'm doing some more tests.Here's how I podcast from my MSN Space1. First, I link to an audio or video file that I've created (and possibly hosted anywhere online) and add the html tag rel=enclosures. A link would look like this (angle brackets removed): [a href="" rel=enclosure] 2. Second, I create an account at Feedburner and create a new feed there with the SmartCast option turned ON. FeedBurner wants to know the feed address for my site. In this example for MSN Spaces, it is the link that is returned when you click on "Syndicate this site" up at the top of MSN Spaces blogs. That URL is (Note: your MSN Space URL is the same, except instead of 'ericrice', you would type your MSN Space name.After I give that address to FeedBurner, they will give me a new feed address to share with everyone. In the case of THIS blog at MSN Spaces, the address I have to tell everyone about is the following: Now, anyone who uses any of the great podcast software out there can subscribe to your podcast feed!Download the MP3Stop by and say hi, or call the KSSX message line, 1-206-350-KSSX and leave your comments.
Well, I guess that sums it up for tonight. I’ll try to post this when I get up to get ready for work. Later

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