
Wow! Has the week...

went by already? I managed to actually get 40 hours for this week so my paycheck will look somewhat better next. Hopefully I will be able to get caught up on those couple of bills that I got behind on.

The weather here has been completely crazy. One day this week it was almost as if spring was coming in. The temps were in the 50's and the sounds that let me know spring is here were plentiful. Music wafting out of windows that were rolled down in vehicles as they drove by, and the constant hustle and bustle that picks up at this time of year. Only it didn't last. The very next day we were under tornado watches and thunderstorms aplenty. Now we're back to the cold temps. Sigh. I'll be glad when spring gets here and actually stays.

My apologies once again. I didn't get around to writing those posts that I had planned to. The day gets away from me on the weekends and during the week I basically come home and go to bed. Okay I take that back. I don't just go to bed. Thanks to my hubby I've become addicted to Sudoku and usually work a couple of puzzles before getting sleepy enough to curl up under the covers.

Someone asked sometime ago on my sister and how she was doing. Well, she ended up calling her family doctor and demanded to know exactly what those abnormalities were that showed up on her MRI of her brain. The nurse reluctantly told her that it was two lesions on her brain. We're worried. Took had her appointment with a neurologist on Monday this past week. We still don't know anything but he did take vials of blood for bloodwork to be done. She has another appointment, but I can't remember exactly when. It's sometime this month. She's coming down for a visit tomorrow. CR is excited. He loves it when she comes over for a visit.

That's my week in a nutshell.


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