
A Lazy Day

Nothing much done today although I don't usually do that much of anything on the weekends. After working all week, I just don't seem to have the momentum on the weekends to do much. Blogger was being a pain today. I went there to delete some blogs that I had and create another one for using with affiliates and such, but couldn't do much of anything. After giving up with that, I tried reading some blogs but couldn't access them. Talk about irritating. We had a little snow this evening. It hasn't been much of a winter here this season. It seems like everywhere around us is getting the most of the snow while we only get a dusting. I for one am tired of winter and am ready for spring. Now, don't get me wrong. I do love the winter but only for so long. I'm ready to hear birds singing, people mowing their yards, and see some color again. I think I'm also itching to get my camera out again. It's been a long while since I've used it. I kind of lost the interest last year. I managed to do some studying and finished up module 3. I just received module 4 in the mail yesterday and am ready to start on it. Now I should be doing some actual web designing and html. I'm eager to start. Later

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