
Much Better

Tonight went much better. I had a talk with my lead, and she explained exactly what was going on. The superviser is getting on her nerves also. He won't let her run the line the way it needs to be run. For some strange reason, when someone becomes a superviser they believe that they know everything there is to know about the dept. when in reality they don't. Anyway, the talk with her made me feel much better, and I was able to tolerate him somewhat after that. Please notice under Other Blogs I Read that there is a new listing. Jetting Through Life by Melissa. I discovered her when I had my other blog under Blogger. She left a comment and since then I have been checking in every so often. It had been awhile since the last time I looked in on her blog so I decided to see what was new, and I was overwhelmed. She has changed her template, and it looks great. With her title being Jetting Through Life, she has went with an airplane theme for her look. Please take a moment and give her a look. I worked last night on my space adding some books to my bookshelf. I did this after setting up an account with Amazon. Probably this weekend I will add lots more titles, and would appreciate a click from you guys. I've also tried setting up an account with Kadoodle and using the sponsored links module, but it's not working out well. I may be removing it if nothing pops up in the next few days. By doing this on my space here, it has given me an idea of trying to come up with a space strictly for the purpose of associates, sponsored links, and such to generate some cash flow. I don't really have time through the week due to work, so I may be experimenting this weekend. If all turns out well, I will be adding the link. I would like to take a moment now and do a little shameless self promotion. Under my websites, I added a link to Lulu. This a site for self publishing. My original intent was to work up my poems into a manuscript and use Lulu to publish a book of my poetry. Since then I have talked myself out of it(I'm great at doing things like that) thinking that maybe my poetry isn't good enough, but what I wanted to convey to you is instead of publishing my book, I uploaded some of my photos for sale to the public. Please take a moment of your time and check out my storefront at Lulu, Proffitt's Place. Well, I think that's it for tonight. I need to stop playing on the web so late and get my butt into bed. I've been waking up tired this whole week, but after a day at work, it's hard to come home and not get on this computer. Later

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