
One of Those Nights

I won't bore you with all the details, but it just seemed like everyone I worked with was getting on my nerves. The superviser was the worst one. I absolutely can't stand it when someone stands over my shoulder and watches me work. It makes me feel like I'm not doing my job well enough. Anyway, tonight's done with, and hopefully tomorrow will be better. I signed up for my Amazon Associate's ID. I love shopping there. Amazon and Wal-Mart are my favorite sites to shop. Now that I've signed up I added a few more books to my bookshelf list. I have always loved reading Laura Ingalls Wilder. She's been a favorite author since I was a little girl. I have read all of her books, but there are times when I love to sit down and reread them. Her way of storytelling makes me feel like I was right there with her experiencing it for myself. One reason I love her stories is that they remind me of my mother. She's told me stories of her growing up that sound similar to the way Laura lived. Another series of books that I have added is the Rocky Ridge Years. The author, Roger Lea MacBride, tells the story of Laura and Almanzo living in the Ozarks and raising their only daughter, Rose. These are a must read for anyone that enjoys The Little House series. Keep an eye out on my bookshelf as I will be adding more titles in days to come when I can find time.

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