
No Accumulation

Well, the snow came and went. Just a little dusting on the ground is all we got. So much for the 3-5 inches. Work went fairly well tonight. No major upheavels, or at least, upheavels for me. I managed to talk hubby into getting groceries tonight after work. After much grumbling, he said that he was heading to electronics which was fine with me. That meant that I could shop in peace. After I finshed picking up everything on the list, I headed to where he was and told him that I was ready. We checked as normal, headed out the door as normal, put groceries in the truck as normal, but when I went to put some stuff in the back seat, I had a surprise waiting for me. While dear ol' hubby pretended to be in electronics, he actually picked out a vase of two roses, a box of candy, and the cutest teddy bear for me. The sneak. There are days where I could just pull my hair out over him and then there are days where I just gotta love him. Later

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