
Why Does He Have to Hurt Me

My husband can be such an outright pain sometimes. Actually, to put it bluntly, he can be an a**hole. Just about everytime we have a converstation, somehow it gets completely turned into him getting upset with me and there is nothing that I can do to turn things around. He can be so unfeeling and uncaring sometimes that it just really hurts me to the point of tears. I am the way that I am and there is nothing that he can do to change it. I'm not a people person. I never have been, and I probably never will be. I can't help the way that I feel about things. If I am invited to go somewhere or over to someone's house, I'm sorry, but my attitude is that you should pay attention to me. I shouldn't be expected to just jump in and start conversations or just join in. That's not how I was raised. I've always believed in "two's company, three's a crowd". That's just me. I'm not meaning it to be hateful or mean, but if you ask me to go somewhere with you, then I expect you to give me your undivided attention. If you're going to be paying attention to someone else and expect me to mingle, then you are sadly mistaken. I would rather be at home where I'm comfortable. My hubby just don't get it on this concept. He feels that it is my fault if people don't pay attention to me if I don't strike up a conversation or jump into the midst of things. I just can't do that. People have to approach me first and keep the conversation going and even then I feel like everyting I say isn't right. As you can tell, I'm pretty upset. He nearly had me in tears, but I managed to get myself together. I've accepted the fact that this is the way I am and this is something that he is going to have to come to terms with himself. Later


Anonymous said...

this is me exactly. It's not that I dislike people, it's just sometimes I like them to be far away.

My hubby and I have had this very same conversation a million times when I am not in the mood to hangout at his parents house with 6million other people. Then he hangs out with his brothers and I am stuck alone or making small talk with sister in laws I don't like. Yuck.

Elizabeth said...

Wow! Haven't had this up very long and already have a first comment. Thanks for your response. I so much needed that. Usually I have to keep my feelings to myself due to others misunderstanding what I'm saying and construe it has husband bashing which it's not. I totally understand how you feel. Sometimes it's just easier to stay at home than to be in a group and feel like an outsider. I also have an MSN Space if you want to check it out also.

Anonymous said...

this is me right now and every few days.. I wish you luck and I hope the problem has gone and that it hasn't hurt you both too much
best wishes