
Two Days of Rest

As you can tell by the posting time, I'm home from work. I ended up going to the doctor (or should I say hubby took me to the doctor) on Monday. Typical congestion and junk so I didn't really feel like posting anything Monday. I spent my time just goofing on the computer and laying around. I know that I've racked up my points at work, but I feel that it's best to take care of something like this early before it turns into anything worse, and with working in a cold wet environment, it's very easy for a simple cold to turn into something else. While playing on the computer, I've added more blogs to my listing. I've also been reading around on podcasting and adding it to MSN Spaces. I'll tell more about that later and hopefully I can find the entry that explains how to do it. We're counting down the days to the end of school. Last day is the 18th. My son's excited. Even though he likes school somewhat he always looks forward to summer break. A person's brain can last only for so long on being overloaded with information before a major meltdown occurs. Along with the podcasting article, I will also be doing a writeup on the civil war reenactment that is happening here the 19th, 20th, and 21st. With me not knowing how to drive, this is usually the extent of any major exciting thing that I can experience. So I will be posting that in a few days explaining all the events and such. Later

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