
My Week in a Nutshell

Well, Monday began by waking to the fact that I didn't have to go into work. We had skipped out on Friday and didn't learn of the posting that was put up till the weekend when one of Wyrm's buddies from work called to tell us that there was no production for 1st and 2nd shift. We were wondering what was going on but didn't complain and welcomed the nice break from that place. CR came home from school really bummed out due to an incident in his Algebra class. Apparently some kid stole one of the teacher's calculators. As punishment the teacher would be giving out double homework and harder test/quizzes until the calculator was returned. After CR finished telling me this, I proceeded to call the school and voice my opinion to the principal. It's bad enough that CR has trouble in math without that teacher making it harder on him. The teacher could find some other method of punishment instead of doubling the homework. Except for that the day was pleasant and I enjoyed it.

On Tuesday I had appointments with the podiatrist and therapist. Both visits went well. The podiatrist did fuss at me for not using the inserts he gave me. There was no explaining to him that those inserts were hurting my feet so I went back to using them. The pain is finally gone except for every once in awhile when I walk me ankle feels like it wants to give out. That doesn't happen often though. Therapy was the same. I asked about maybe looking into self hypnosis CDs. If nothing else, just get myself to driving and I should have the other problems licked. Getting my license would give me the freedom to be able to leave my place of employment. Therapist said that I seem to be making progress. It's small steps, but at least it's steps moving forward.

Wednesday I returned to work. Same ol' tiresome thing. Called home during my break to talk to CR and see how his day went. His algebra teacher wasn't budging on the homework issue. He still managed to have a pretty good day. Wyrm worked over. That's the reason why I hadn't posted anything this week.

Thursday was paycheck night for us. Same ol' tiresome thing again. Called home to check on CR's day. This time the assistant principal got in on this deal and said that something would be done. Some of the students got together and come up with an idea. One of them would ask her father for a calculator and give that to the teacher in place of the one that was stolen in order to get her to let up on the homework. That really made me angry. That teacher didn't deserve anyone else's calculator as replacement. If she didn't let up by the end of the week, I was going to make another call.

Friday saw a posting placed that I would be working Saturday. The catch was that my start time would be 12:00pm. My normal start time is 2:35pm. I was irritated to say the least. The only good think was that they were talking of us only working 6 hours. If they would just keep their word now. I called home to hear good news from CR. That idiot of a teacher finally seen the light of day and returned the calculator that was given to her back to the student and she said that she would no longer be giving the double homework. I don't know what changed her mind, but I'm glad she did. I know CR's glad too.

Saturday saw me rising to the buzz of the alarm clock going off at 9:30 am for me to get ready so that I could get Wyrm up at 10:00 am. Ugh! I was tired the whole night, but thankfully they kept their word and we were done by 6:00 pm. That still left the backside working and they didn't get done till around 7:00 pm. Finally Wyrm came out about 7:30 pm. On the way home, we drove right into a storm. Major lightening show, some hail, heavy rain, and wind. We arrived home to find the cable out and CR extremely bored. Finally talked him into watching a movie.

Sunday I managed to sleep in. It felt good not to wake to that stupid alarm clock. I got to sleep as long as I needed to. Wyrm and I headed out to Wal-Mart for the groceries and now we are home just goofing. He's playing World of Warcraft and I'm here typing this post and catching up on what my other blogging buddies have been up to. Some time last week, I did the switch to Blogger Beta and finished up today adding my links and such. So far I'm liking that, too.

Well, that's my week in a nutshell. How was yours?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there!! Just blogging by and wanted to say hello!! :)

That teacher needs to go. Not fair at all. I'd have been up at the school in a heartbeat.

Good luck!