
Those That Are New and Those That Are Gone

Those That Are New

Along my "blog walks" I have come across some new spaces that I feel are worth mentioning and taking a look-see. Here's a few:

Aplseeds Garden: Tani is a truck driver who also loves gardening and has an album full of some beautiful flowers. She's been blogging on spaces since January 2006 and includes on her space her favorite quotes, links to some gardening sites, and a description of herself.

A Lady and Her Dog Share a Blog: Cee has been blogging since June 2006 and loves to talk about her family and her dog, Kovu. Entries are even written from Kovu's perspective which is very unique. Cee loves to write and is also into fitness. College classes start for her on Monday.

Meg's Garden-Ponderings on My Journey: Meg is an accounting technician who also loves to knit, gardening, and scrapbooking. She's been on spaces since June 2006 and includes on her space photos of her knitting projects and her family. She also has a list of the different ways that she embarrasses her kids.

So Many Smiles So Little Time: PixChik is a mother of 3 who loves photography. She's been blogging on spaces since July 2006. She includes on her space photos of her family and some family fun links.

My Four Leaf Clover: Sendy is a homemake who loves baking, hiking, and, of course, blogging. Sendy's been blogging on spaces since June 2006 and includes on her space a 101 list about herself and a link to some must see sites.

These are just a few, and I know that I'm missing some, but for the life of me, I can't remember who they are. So take a little "blog walk" and welcome these new bloggers to spaces.

Those That Are Gone

Due to the changes that Spaces has underwent these past few weeks, there have been some bloggers that have become so discouraged that they felt a new place to write was in order.

Mocha Momma: Mocha used to be here, but since outgrew MSN Spaces and decided to opt for her own place. She still includes the same charm, cuppa the day, and wit as on her MSN Space. Now she includes a link to her photos at Flickr.

Caffeinated Librarian: CL became disgruntled with MSN Spaces new changes and decided to find a home here. She is now blogging at both places for the time being until she can make up her mind.

Three Hour Tour: Chris has followed suit and can be found "kickin' the tires" over here.

The Dana Files: Dana has hopped over to this place.

Crazy Bloggin' Canuck: Amber's first "digs" was here.

I'm probably overlooking some others, but these are a few that have done/are doing the switcharoo.


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Anonymous said...

I love the idea of highlighting new blogs! There are just so many of them.

Also, I haven't forgotten about your offer to write my "About" page - but I haven't given it too much thought lately. I'll get back to you (if not, but me!). Thanks for the offer.

Elizabeth said...

I know. I'm sure I'm forgetting some of them, but just can't remember where I've been and who I've found.

Welcome to My Home
This Is it or not.