
I'm in one of those...

funky moods again where I would love to just sit and write to my heart's content, but I just simply don't have a thing to write about. My brain is just screaming "I'm sleepy" for some reason, and I've done well this weekend to pay bills and balance my checkbook. Oops, I think I may have forgotten one bill. While shopping for groceries this weekend, I was looking for a calculator and spied one of those PDA's for a reasonable price and decided to pick it up. I think it's so nifty. I've already figured out to get two addresses programmed into it and will add my appointments a little later. I've been having fun trying to figure out what all it can do. I think I may be able to keep reminders of when we need to get the oil changed in the car. Cool or at least it's cool to me. I've been meaning for the past two weekends to get my butt outside and take photos of our front porch. It's decorated simple but nice. I'm also wanting to take pics. of mom's Christmas crafts here in the house. I'll eventually get around to it before the holiday is up. I am so bored right now. It's like I'm wanting to do something but just can't figure out what that something is. So enough of my rambling for now.


1 comment:

owlhaven said...

I've been meaning to get my porch decorated too.

Hi from a fellow blogging chick!

Mary, mom to many