
Kiki tagged me the other day,...

and I'm just now getting around to posting so here it is.

6 Weird Things About Me

According to the rules each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things About Me" list. Then the people who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog!

1. For me a snack is dipping bread in French dressing. I prefer Wishbone brand.

2. I wear socks year round. I even sleep with socks on. For some strange reason I cannot stand my feet and don't like for them to touch anything.

3. Be it books or DVDs, if I own one that is part of a series or sequel then I must have the rest to add to my collection. I'm not as bad with my CDs.

4. I used to be very bad about having all of my CDs and books in alphabetical and chronological order. Thanks to my meds it doesn't bother me nearly as bad anymore if they are out of order. In fact they are out of order now.

5. It is extremely difficult for me to get rid of anything. I have clothes hanging in my closet right now that do not fit but am holding on to them thinking that someday I might lose weight and get back in them. Yeah, right! My backpack that I carry to work was filled with old papers that dated back to 2004, a snack bar that's been in there for about a year, and other junk. I cleaned that out the other day. I have check stubs, receipts, and papers dating back to the 90's in boxes that are poked everywhere. I still feel like I have a need for them when really I don't.

6. I love tomatoes but will not have them on any kind of sandwich or hamburger.

Now get ready cause I'm tagging Val, Rachel, Caffeinated Librarian, "the other" Liz, Ann, Shelly.

Yes, a couple of the people I tagged are on Windows Live Spaces. I'm directing you to some different places.


Her Bad Mother said...

Ooooh, DITTO on 3 and 5. And on the sock thing.

Val Ewing said...

You are wickedly fun for tagging took my socks thing....and me too, can't get rid of old clothes for the life of me!