
It's hard for me to believe...

that another year has whizzed by me. I am also surprised that I have managed to blog for a whole year even though I was somewhat lacking on posting last month. My blog is officially a year old. Let's see. Do I have resolutions for this new year? No. I usually don't make resolutions cause I rarely keep them. I do feel that changes will be made this year and hopefully for my betterment. A couple of things in store for me beginning this month will be the beginning of my bankruptcy and possibly undergoing hypnosis during my therapy sessions. More details will come later.

CR is not looking forward to going back to school, but then again what teen is after a two week holiday. This semester he will be taking Political Science, Algebra II part B, Integrated Science, and Wordprocessing. I've encouraged him to enroll in his required classes as early as possible so that during his Junior and Senior years he should have a free ride with taking just electives except for his English classes that are required for 4 years. I think he will enjoy this semester. I know I'm not looking forward to his Junior year (I actually am) cause it will mean that I am getting older.

Wyrm and I are done for holidays now. We got back our two floating holidays with the new year, but we will not get back our vacation time until July. So far though with the way work has been I don't mind going now. I know it's strange for me to say that being this time last year I was hating having to go into work. What's changed? Well, I have been trained for a different job which allows me to move around much more that I usually do, and I'm not having to deal with people as much. The drawback is that I only do this job when another person is not there. I've been doing this for the past month and a half now and work has been less stressful for me while doing this certain job. Also, an odd thing that has been going on since about November is the overtime has been cut almost completely out. I haven't worked a Saturday since the end of October and no working over during the week either. It's very strange that for the past couple of years my employers have worked us nearly to death with overtime and now BAM! right here at the holidays we are doing well to work a full 40 hour work week. Not good with my bankruptcy hearing coming up, but I shall manage somehow. I'm looking forward to having that debt that's been hanging over my head cleared in about 5years.

Seems like with the new year there are some people that are making changes in their blogs as well. Liz at North Country Fire will be moving her space to another URL and Rachel at How I See It has finally gotten disgusted with Blogger giving her issues with uploading photos and moved her blog of the same name over to Wordpress.

More posts are to come and hopefully I will be able to keep up on a regular basis.



Val Ewing said...

Lots of changes this year for you Liz! My life, my blog, not much is getting changed. Just going to school and working.
I know boring.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for a good New Year and also for a successful bankruptcy hearing. I went through that 20 years ago when it was easier, but it's never less painful. I've enjoyed your blog and am glad you're sticking with it. :)