
Pen is in hand...

Elizabeth's Photos @ Flickr and paper is before me. I am going to get back in the habit of writing again, even if it's just doodles and such. And speaking of habits, I am going to make a change in my overall health starting with water, again. Numerous times I've tried to make changes and can't stick with it. So here I am trying again to make some good changes for myself.

It's the end of my vacation, and I am so sorry to see it go. Michael called and said that he would be dropping off my computer and here I am at work. I've so wanted my computer last week to work on my photos. Now I have to work in time before and after work. It's not as enjoying having to work in a time constraint. Good news is that my friend, Tammy, wants to do another photo shoot again on my next vacation in a couple of weeks. Something to look forward to. At least coming into work today straight off my vacation, I get to come into an empty building with no Debone. I actually felt lightened seeing that posting.

Things to do on computer:

add to wish list at Amazon: Photoshop Elements (latest version), Photoshop (full version), Microsoft Office Professional, wide angle lens (for my camera) D&D book for hubby, and games for my boy.

play with pictures



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