
I Just Can't Be Satisfied

Well, I wasn't too happy with my space being used under a different MSN Passport than my original one. So, what do I do? Yep, I created a space under my original passport and then transferred everything over to here. So all of my entries are going to have the same date now, only under each posting I added a note telling the original date that I wrote it. This will be my permanent space for the simple fact that it's too much trouble to switch spaces and keep my entries. While surfing MSN Spaces I came across one that gave instructions on how to create a guestbook, hence, the weird blog entry. If anyone does actually take the time to read spaces, please feel free to drop me a little note as a "hello", and be sure to leave your url for your MSN Space so that I can explore yours. I like surfing blogs and checking out others templates, postings, photos, artwork, etc. While surfing I came across some interesting spaces, Tea and Bon Bons with Amy. She's listed under the Best of MSN Spaces. Every other day I check out her space and love to read her take on daily life. She has a very nicely designed space. She's the one where I found the link to make a guestbook. You can find that under MSN Space of the Day. He also has hints and ideas on many other things to personalize your space.

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