
Hello to the World

If you'll notice in the corner, I have added a new list. Only some of you, though, may be able to read it. In my constant surfing of the net and blogs, I found a few blogs where people have managed to attempt some type of translation of their blog to another language. So here's my attempt also except my blog may not be as interesting as others, but I still wanted to try it anyway. I will add the links to the translators under my other sites list. I have wanted many times to read other people's spaces only to be stumped by the language barrier. Not anymore. I do want to give my apologies for the translations into Japanese and Chinese. I managed to surf around and find a translator that would translate the whole space into other languages except for these two. It would only do part of my space. If anyone out there would like to see my space in a language that is not listed, please feel free to leave me a comment. Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day! Later

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