
A Beautiful Day

As you can tell, I didn't go in to work today. I had a doctor's appt. today, and I am so glad that we got out of the house. It was a beautiful day. A little chilly, but the sun was out, and the birds were singing. While out I ran into someone that I hadn't seen in awhile. We spent a few minutes catching up and then she had to go. I enjoyed being out with my hubby today. Wish we had more days like this one, but with us working on Saturdays now, it makes it kind of hard. On Sunday, we usually just want to be home and relax. Work was really trying my patience yesterday. It seemed like everything that could go wrong did. I somehow managed to get through the night and went home not feeling so stressed out. I even didn't get upset when I couldn't get online. For some reason, hubby can get online late at night, but I can't. I just simply gave up, played Zuma, and then went to bed. Not looking forward to going into work tomorrow, but I feel like I'm starting to have a better outlook. Later

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