
A Typical Monday

First and foremost, I want to personally thank all of you who have stopped by and taken the time to look around and leave a comment. It really means alot to me knowing that my space isn't nearly as interesting as some of yours that I've seen. Thanks bunches. We started our day by going to Enterprise to pick up the rental that the other person's insurance is providing us. Progressive has been very good about getting us into another vehicle while ours is being worked on. We dropped ours off at the body shop, and they told us that we may have our car back possibly by Friday. I didn't mean to be laughing at my hubby, but it was so comical. I don't drive so I don't really know what it's like, but I can imagine that when you get used to driving one car and then switch to another makes it kind of annoying and a little difficult to manage at first. Now, my hubby is a big guy(sort of) and the car that they provided us is a compact. Hubby is almost 6' tall so when he tried to get in he was smooshed between the seat and the steering while. It took him a moment to ease the seat back. After a few times of getting in and out of the car, he finally found the controls on the side of the seat to lower it. This made it a little easier for him to get in. If that wasn't enough, where they had the controls for the wipers, he kept hitting them every time he turned the wheel. Needless to say, he can't wait to get ours back. I had a therapy session today and it boiled down to my problem of dwelling too much on what people think of me that it keeps me from trying anything. In order to keep everyone happy and okay with me, I give in to what others want and try to please them to the point of making myself miserable. This is so bad that I will literally hide and not try anything(driving for example)in order to keep anyone from becoming angry or disappointed with me or what I'm doing. This has become a real problem over the years. I've pretty much been this way since I was a little girl, and with each passing year, it just gets worse and worse. Visits now will concentrate on how I can overcome this obstacle in my life and be able to do more things. Work is becoming a pain again. They posted it for overtime and rumor has it that we will be working weekends until about the middle of April. This is a big issue with me. My weekend is my relief time to gain my sanity back so that I can endure that place for another week. When they take both days away from me, it's usually then that I become mentally exhausted and have more trouble functioning. It's also when that need to be particular on things kicks into high gear. I mean I will waste time picking the area where I work clean so that I can stand there and not get anything on my shoes when in reality I know that it is impossible to keep my area perfectly clean. I'm hoping that I will be able to keep it under some control. Need to close for now. Hubby will want some attention a little later and then I need to get some sleep to handle tomorrow. Later

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