
Really Tired

I am beat, and what a week it's been so far. My first day back to work was Monday. so far my foot seems to be doing pretty good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Am I glad to be back at work? Moneywise, yes. Dealing with some people and management, no. I can say that my temperment has calmed quite a bit. Alot of my problems could have been due to my foot pain. I believe I was getting mentally and physically exhausted, and didn't realize how down I was getting. I'm already starting to feel somewhat better and have a little more energy. Since going back to work, all this week I've been trying to stay away from the junk food so much. I can muddle through the night a little better. I'm going to try my hardest to stick to this. Enough about work. Finding Windows Live Spaces up and running was the last thing I expected to see. Just from what little I have read on comments left at The Spacecraft, Windows Live Spaces is not being well received. Quite a few people are angry at how it changed all of the work they had done, but for me, I'm liking the new change. Pages are much easier to read with the bigger font. I didn't like how it changed my banners, but that's something that can be easily remedied (okay, maybe not really that easy). I have something to look forward to this weekend, if they don't post it for overtime. I hate to say this, but with my return to work, I probably won't get to post as much as I would like to. I'm just coming home too tired to write. I stay up long enough to "blog walk" and then I go to bed. Which is something that I really need to do right now. Later

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