
Another Day Gone

Today was spent getting haircuts. Mom's and CR's. Although CR hated to sit still for that long. He does look good though and more cooler. He has a thick head of hair and when it gets long it starts to curl everywhere.

Other than that nothing really went on, so I will use this entry to answer some questions that commenters have asked me:

Leanne posed the question about my flickr account, "is there a monthly limit to how many photos you can upload". Yes, Leanne, there is a limit but it is not measured in how many photos you can upload. It's measured in bandwidth. My limit is 2GB per month. More info can be found at Flickr.

Scandie asked me where in KY do I live. I will email her the answer to this question. Sorry folks, no answer listed here for this one.

Meg says that she enjoys my book list and that she has read the Rose Wilder series and asks if I have read any of the books on Caroline. Yes, Meg, I have read and own these books also.

That's it for now. I feel the munchies coming on and must decide if I want to read or watch a movie tonight.



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