
I am in...

a bum mood right now thanks to my hubby, Wyrm. I won't go into details with it cause it's a sore spot right now, but I wish there was some what that I could get my point across and be heard.

Geez it's cold. Right now it's 11 degrees outside. I just wanted some snow not freezing cold.

My sis is having some problems right now. She's been having some odd kind of dizzy spells and slurring her words. She went to her family Dr. who ordered an MRI. She called mom on Monday to tell us the results. The tests came back showing some abnormalities in her brain and she has already been set up to see a neurologist sometime in February. My poor sis is upset and scared.

Just wanted to jot something down. I wish I didn't have writer's block or whatever this funk is that I am in. I'm off to bed.


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