
Have you ever read something...

knowing that it would probably be in your best interest if you didn't click on a link but curiosity got the better of you and you just clicked anyway? Well while blogwalking the other night, I stopped at Caffeinated Librarian's to read what she had been up to. I read her entry on "The Freaky Side of Harry Potter" and just had to see what the deal was with those photos on Mugglenet (Click at your own discretion. Nearly nude photos of Dan Radcliffe) Ack! I will never be able to watch another Harry Potter movie or read another Harry Potter book without those images being embedded in my brain.

Speaking of Harry Potter. I am happy to hear that July 21 is the release date of Book 7 in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. I have been eagerly waiting for the next book to read what happens. I'm also slightly disappointed. Once I am through reading the book I will be finished as this is the last book in the series. I've come to adore the characters that J. K. Rowling has created and will miss reading about their adventures.


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