
Now here I said...

that with the new year I was going to try to keep up with posting, and I have already missed a couple of nights. LOL. They had me doing something different at work and when I came home I was just too tired to try to write anything. Thursday night I had to sit and wait for Wyrm till about 2:45 am. I got home just in time to put on my jammies and go to bed. Friday Wyrm woke with that ick feeling and we decided to call in and head on into Multicare before it turned into something much worse. They treated him for an upper respitory infection and ear infection. He didn't feel like driving all the way to work, drop me off, go to Multicare, and then have to pick me up at work later on in the night. Honestly I didn't blame him. My points were low so I just called in with him and while we were waiting on his prescription I got the groceries taken care of. Such it is with me since I do not know how to drive and have a problem with trying to learn. Hopefully that may change soon. We'll have to see.

CR has been enjoying school so far. He's been having homework but hasn't been bogged down with it very much. He received the movie Hotel Rwanda from his Netflix queue Friday. We watched it together and I was totally engrossed in it. This movie ended up being better than what I thought it would. So sad what those people had to go through. If you can handle the violence this is an excellent movie to watch.


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